Ashes in my mouth
I have learnt, much to my dismay that just because you are performing backups, it does not mean you are storing what you think. I learnt this the hard way yesterday when I rebuilt my notebook, where my Prefabia work is stored. I thought that I had backed up my modules directory and on restoration realised I had made a copy of my NWN1 modules directory.
After cross checking and seeing what other copies I had, the penny dropped and I knew that Prefabia or at least the work to date was gone.
Looks like now I am about to recreate all of my work, though this time it should take under 5 hours, as I now know what I am doing and need not spend days researching how to do something.
Pyrrhic Victory
Before I manage to wipe my project, BTH cast an eye over it and proclaimed it rather nice but....
"The Trees need variation". I must agree that once I looked at my trees, they were all of the same seed and scale (XYZ). After some research I located a plugin by Aokis, the Tree Randomiser Plugin that allows you to randomise, seed, location and scale of trees. Unforntunately it was at 1.04 and no longer supported. After firing an email off to Aokis, he informed me that VCD had patched the Tree Randomizer Plugin and more importantly released the source. VCD on inspection was no longer supporting the plugin but at least I had the source to recompile.
Long story short, I managed to workout Tanis instructions on updating a plugin and after recompiling the code I now have a 1.13 working copy of the Tree Randomiser plugin. A victory of sorts, something to lesser the bitter taste in my mouth from wiping my own project.
Back to the Drawing board.
Iceman (2014) Plein
10 years ago
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