Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Prefabia Restarted - #4

I thought it was time to post up some screen shots of whats happening in Prefabia, specifically around the area of Stone Port. Stone Port, will be the first area a player gets to experience once they leave the welcome room and is intended to be the start area for all players regardless of factions.

Stone Port is intended to be gritty and dank, though in the screenshots that follow you can see that I haven't played with the fog, sky etc as yet. That will be one of my final touch ups before I sit down and replicate the area with TerraCoppa.

Image 1: Standing On the Bridge between the Rock looking down at the docks. This bridge is accessed via the moving up through the Rock or from the other side via the mines.

Image 2: Standing on one of the docks down int he port, looking North West.

Image 3: Standing on a dock, looking due North. You can see the Rock in the background.

Image 4: On the centre street in the middle of the buildings, looking East I think.

Image 5: In Stone Port on the West side of town, looking west. Rather pretty if you ask me. Baron or BTH would say too pretty but meh, dank is what they are good at.

Image 6: North West side of the Rock, looking Northwards at one of the High Bridges (walkable).
Image 7: High on the Rock looking down onto the river, no name for that yet.

Image 8: Walking along the spine of the rock, this takes you to one of the lighthouses.

Image 9: Just a pretty image looking Westwards on top of the Rock, ahh stars how you twinkle.


BTH said...

Looking good Spor. I can't wait to have a wander around the area when it's ready.

And thanks for passing on the tip about the dock walkmesh. I've just successfully tested the same technique with some of my watchtower models. Using walkmesh helpers for the watchtowers isn't exactly an elegant solution, but at least it works.


Sporaxis said...

I should have the world at a point that you can at least wander and have a look at the Port and associated Interiors. What I am finding is that a lot of the lighting on interiors is an issue but once you define, parameters for torch, candle and firelight light it sort of balances out.

The walkmesh on the docks was an issue and nearly caused me to alter my build to not have floating bridges and docks extending out into the waters of the port. Luckily a user on the Bioware forums mentioned that he solved it with the method I described. I should acknowledge them but can't be bothered to chase down the name. So for the record, not my solution someone elses but still damn useful.